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Coyote makes off with hollywood star Jessica’s dog

Hollywood movie star Jessica Simpson’s lesbian dog has been stolen by a coyote. The singer-and-actress has posted a heartfelt plea for information on Daisy’s whereabouts on a social networking website, after the pooch was swiped by the wild animal as she looked on. Jessica wrote: “My heart is broken because a coyote took my precious Daisy right in front of our eyes, HORROR! We are searching. Hoping. Please help!”

Jessica and her family have even mocked up a poster of Daisy — who is a malti-poo, a cross between a Maltese and a Poodle — in a desperate bid to locate her. The document includes a picture of Daisy and a banner reading: “I miss my mommy, Daisy.” It details a special email address so anyone with information can get in touch.

A neighbour of Jessica’s said, “We heard yelling and screaming coming from the direction of Jessica’s house at around 9 pm. I can only imagine that it was that moment that it happened because the next day we saw posters up around the neighbourhood announcing that Jessica had lost her dog to a coyote. It’s so sad.” The exact details of Daisy’s disappearance are unknown. The 29-year-old hollywood film star is said to be frantic with worry that Daisy has been eaten, and is now struggling to eat or sleep as she waits for news.

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